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Project Documentation

East Side Draft Plans

Change Over Time Visualizations

Process Photos


Airport Transfer Center Draft, 11-19-2010

Mission Valley Transfer Center Draft, 11-19-2010

Medical Center of the Americas Draft, 11-19-2010

East Side Transfer Center Draft, 11-19-2010

Alameda and Yarborough Plan Draft, 11-19-2010

Mission Valley Hands-on Keypad Polling, 11-10,-2010

Mission Valley Hands-on Visual Preference Survey, 11-10-2010

East Side Hands-On Keypad Polling Results, 11-6-2010

East Side Kick-off Keypad Polling Results, 11-06-2010

Visual Preferences Survey Results, 11-06-2010

Kick-Off Presentation, 11-04-2010

Food-for-Thought presentation, 11-04-2010

Visitors Since the Start of the Project: